
Sivu luotu 4.1.2015

Lainaus sivulta http://ihr.org/books/kulaszka/30faurisson.html

Secret Command Matter. Sheet no. G31. Personnel Detoxication Truck. (Motor Vehicle 92) Application: Detoxication of personnel and of the heavy gas clothing of the fog units. Technical Data: Chassis - for 3-ton truck Hot water preparation using a water turbulence brake, powered by vehicle engine, having a capacity of 44,000 kcal/hr. for heating the detoxication tub for heavy gas clothes and for shower water for two shower baths. Water stock carried along: 800 litres. Filling of the water bin by electric floater pump. Gross weight: 9,300 kg.

The second page also contained the photograph of a heavy motorized truck, and the following caption:

Secret Command Matter. Sheet Number G32. Clothes Detoxication Truck 93 (Motor Vehicle 93/1) Application: Allocated to the troop detoxication companies (Tek) for the detoxication of uniforms, leather gear and gas masks using hot air and water steam. Technical Data: Chassis for 3-ton truck Steam of 0.2 atmosphere UE - 50 kg./hr. Air of 120 degrees centigrade - 3,600 cubic metres/hr. Two chambers for 30 uniforms each with 2 cubic metre content. Duration of detoxication: 1-1/2 hours for uniforms (combined steam, hot air process); 12 hours for leather gear (Hot air process) Gross Weight: 9,700 kg.

The third page of the document contained a photograph of another heavy mechanized truck and the following description:

Secret Command Matter. Sheet No. G33. Clothes Detoxication Truck (Motor Vehicle 93/2) Application: Allocated to the troop detoxication companies (Tek) for the detoxication of uniforms, leather gear and gas masks using hot air. Technical Data: Chassis - 4-1/2 ton truck - Bussing Air of 100 degrees Centigrade, 4,000 cubic metres/hr. 1 chamber for 40 uniforms Duration of detoxication: 4 hours for uniforms using hot, fresh and environment air in alternate operation.

(30-8208, 8209; Bundesarchiv gas van documents filed as Exhibit 129 at 31-8523)

Kaasuvaunuilla siis puhdistettiin saksalaisten sotilaisen varusteita eikä suinkaan kaasutettu juutalaisia kuoliaiksi.

Holokaustiin uskovat vetoavat dokumenttiin, jonka mukaan Rauff ja kumppanit olisivat käyneet kirjeenvaihtoa kaasuvaunuihin liittyen, mutta kyseiset dokumentit on osoitettu väärennöksiksi ja kumottu muutkin todisteet:

Gas Vans – forgeries galore! Part I: SS Just to SS Rauff

Gas Vans – forgeries galore! Part II: Wetzel to Lohse

The Gas Vans A Critical Assessment of the Evidence

The Three Photographs of an Alleged Gas Van

The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation

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